Monday, June 30, 2014

Stairway upgrade!

Welcome back! Things have stalled around the house recently due to this adorable little fluffers. In fact, she's caused a few more house projects that we'll have to tackle in the near future, such as redoing our master bathroom.

But onto the project at hand! Our stairway wall was gross. The previous owners must have tried to cover up some of the grunge with white.
You can see the weird paint lines up the wall there. First I filled the holes, sanded and scrubbed the wall clean. 

 So I taped it off to have a fun midway stripe? Not sure what to call it, but my half wall was beyond ready for some paint. We went with the same color as our foyer for continuity, so Krypton from Sherwin Williams.

 One coat, and a break watching TV with the pup so the coat will dry
Finished! Both the episode and the first coat. Painted the second and ripped off the tape. 

Next up, cleaning and painting the trim...and hanging up all our family pictures!! It was such a good feeling to get some more progress going with the house and I'm looking forward to tackling some more. :)