Here is the the horrifying photos of the "you know you're going to paint, but not quite yet so what's the point of unpacking!" stage:
That's the nook, it's hard to tell.
The absolute first thing I did was run and grab rubbing alcohol to check that the room had LATEX based paint and not oil based. I would have cried myself silly if the same thing that happened in the bathroom had happened in this room. Luckily, latex based paint in here!!!!!!!
I then spent four hours (mostly me, occasionally Kyle would relieve me) stripping the wallpaper border. This room did not want me to do this however, and more often than not, Kyle and I were gouging the wall in an attempt to remove the wallpaper. I had to go behind and spackle all over again.
Progress shot of the painting after the priming. I only went with one coat of primer because my arms were tired. Great reasoning, no?
Progress shot of the windows. You can see how the trim was a yellow cream color compared the windows themselves.
Once finished with the room (and peeling off the tape to see the nice clean line), I noticed that while my line was nice and crisp, there was yellow peeking out onto the ceiling. I got out my trusty craft paint brush and very carefully drew a line around the top with my paint color.
The Big Reveal!!
Painted that light switch plate in a fit of whimsy. Uncertain if it is actually staying there, at least it is not a pink heart covered in XOXOXOXO's!
Right side with nook! (Currently sitting at that very chair!) This is not my actual desk, but it's all I got until February sometime.
NEWLY painted trim. This took me a very short time to do. I scrubbed the whole thing with a toothbrush, primed the sucker and then painted one coat of the shiny white. We still have to caulk around the edges for an extra clean look.
I also bought new outlet plates for this room, but totally forgot to get the one on the left. Oops! I'll be going back to home depot again soon.
This door was a pain in my butt. There is a tiny 1/3 inch sliver on the left that HAD to be painted or it looked atrocious. I couldn't tape it, so I just jammed my paint brush in and went to town, then cleaned off the door frame as I got half of the paint on it. I still have to remove the FOUR command hooks on there but am afraid to because of the memory of the pain from last time(bruised thumb).
I am SO happy to have my room painted the pretty happy color: "Tradewind" by Sherwin Williams.
It is one shade lighter than our bedroom color (I originally wanted this shade in our bedroom, but Kyle voted for "Rain" (one shade darker)).
It makes me so happy to finally have the space painted and cleaned out! I've been hanging out here way too much, considering the furniture only got put in a few hours ago. I smile every time I walk into the room. I can't WAIT to decorate the whole thing and see how it turns out!!
Next up for this room: Bringing all the stuff back in, and organizing. Decorating! The big furniture buying will be in February (yay budgets), and I'll post another little post then showing the "finished" product!
Busy last two weeks over here. Next up: staircase& family picture wall!
(Hint Hint! If you are related to us: Please send us your photos!!)